Friday, December 11, 2009

Postpartum Depression and Men

Even though most people generally associate it with new mothers, postpartum depression can affect fathers as well. As highlighted in this NY Times article, it is poorly understood and less diagnosed than should be, perhaps.

This may be of greater importance to families that experience birth trauma related to an unexpected cesarean. Some studies have shown that postpartum depression increases in frequency among women who have had a cesarean birth. And since studies have shown depression in a partner leads to increased depression in the other partner, we can conclude that more fathers of children born via cesarean experience postpartum depression.

When many women join support groups like ICAN to talk through the experience, men are often left out for various reasons. Part of this is the societal expectation that men do not talk about their feelings and may not have any claim to feelings about the birth. But neither thought is appropriate as men are as entitled to talking about and expressing their feelings as women and men are usually half of the equation in a birth. And men often find themselves left out of the postpartum experience. They return to work, they cannot breastfeed, etc.

So how to help men through postpartum depression? It varies from person to person based on personal history of depression and such, but the first step is for the father to find a professional who will understand and validate their experience. As stated before this may be the most difficult hurdle as men often do not know how to express what is wrong. So it may be beneficial for the mother to share signs and symptoms of postpartum depression with their partner before the birth.

Another option is to work together as a couple to create as healthy and open an environment as possible before the baby is born. This will not guarantee no postpartum depression afterward, but it will help you get through it as a couple easier. Some good resources for expectant fathers are popping up recently as well:

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